About the Journal

Impressive: Journal of Education (IJoE). IJoE is an open access and blind review journal specifically focused on education. IJoE aims to facilitate and promote the investigation and dissemination of research findings on basic education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new developments and advances in education.

Journal Name : Impressive: Journal of Education
Online ISSN : 3025-9169
DOI : https://doi.org/10.61502/ijoe
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya
Frequency : Quarterly (March, June, September and December)
Editorial Addres : Dusun Tenggulunan RT.05/RW.03 Desa Tunggul Wulung-Pandaan Kab. Pasuruan 67155 Jawa Timur
Email : impressive.ijoe@gmail.com

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024)

In Progress

Published: 2024-12-04
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