Analisa Parameter Proses Oven Terhadap Kualitas Cat Dengan Metode Taguchi

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Rafia Plasticta Candra
M. Yazid Bustomi
Achmad Rihhadul Aisy


Paint is a liquid that can be used to coat the surface of a material with the aim of beautifying (decorative), strengthening (reinforcing) and protecting (protective) an object of painting. The brightness of the coating is one of the important variables in a painting process which certainly affects the quality of the painting. To get maximum layer brightness results, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the factors and levels that affect layer brightness. The method used in this study is the Taguchi method where to find the response between factors and levels, testing is carried out using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Signal to noise ratio (SNR). This study got the results that for the best layer brightness there is a temperature factor with a P value of 0.475 and an F value of 1.11, the time factor with a P value of 0.580 and an F value of 0.72, and for the thickness factor a P value of 0.956. and the F value of 0.05. From the test results show that the factor and level affect the brightness of the layer.

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How to Cite
Analisa Parameter Proses Oven Terhadap Kualitas Cat Dengan Metode Taguchi. (2023). Neutral: Journal of Engineering, 1(1), 1-8.

How to Cite

Analisa Parameter Proses Oven Terhadap Kualitas Cat Dengan Metode Taguchi. (2023). Neutral: Journal of Engineering, 1(1), 1-8.